Saturday, December 3, 2011


"Now Melancthon’s farmers have become environmental activists in the fight of their lives to stop company’s plan to dig a 2316-acre mega-quarry that they fear will industrialize their community, poison their water and change their way of life forever. .."


  1. This article is very well articulated and the videos get right to the heart of the story. I hope this is picked up by some major publications and shared everywhere. Thank-you Sam Greenfield!

  2. Good on Sam Greenfield as, yes 6:51, it gets to some of the story. But to what end? There's a whole lot of well intentioned "getting to the heart" that is just plain ill or partially informed- the "lite" or filtered version of what's going on- and it's not particularly useful. It, in fact, is exactly what the proponents of the scheme thrive on. Please, please readers of this blog really do your homework and find out what's critical. The legislation has not changed and much of the current wave of objection is naive fantasy. There is only a fear of a quarry that fuels a game of brokerage in power and trade of financial instruments at all levels. That is the insult to us all. It makes life miserable for those who really have to live with it and it gives zealots something to glom on to. It ain't about water security or loss of farm land folks. It is a game of corporatism (remembering that counties and townships are incorporated too).

