Friday, October 9, 2009

Freedom of the Press (but only if you can pay for it)

Approximately 3-4 weeks ago the Orangeville Citizen/ Shelburne Free Press coverage of Melancthon council happenings and Highland Companies plan to mine 2,400 acres of prime agricultural land underwent a change in focus.

I noticed the reporter who covered this issue since at least January 2009 has disappeared from the pages. I now see articles by Wes the Crypt Keeper Keller, although he is noticeably absent from the meetings on which he is reporting.

I have also noticed that in the past 3-4 weeks, one to two full page ad(s) per week for the Highland Companies have begun appearing in the same paper. I priced this size of ad and the cost runs from $800.00 to $1,000.00 per week PER AD.

This also seems to coincide with rumours that the Citizen/Free Press is having financial difficulties.

I am sure it must be a bizarre coincidence that the one reporter who was offering a viewpoint not in keeping with the corporate messaging of Highland Companies has disappeared from the pages of the paper, while the Highland Companies advertising has increased substantially, creating a new income source for the paper.

You know what else I have noticed? The Shelburne Fair was 3-4 weeks ago and this “local” paper has yet to report on the event. Guess the Fair board will have to pay to take out an ad if they want some “local” coverage in their “local” paper on this “local” event.

A “Highland” event involving press coverage, money, good will and good deeds usually has local politicians, dignitaries and the paper tripping over themselves to stand beside King John/Maid Daniher touching the corner of that oversized cardboard cheque and smiling lovingly on the Melancthon Mesiah. The local fair, not so much.

If you are wondering about this, why don’t you call Tom Claridge, Editor at (519) 941-2230 to discuss? Tell him you are mining for the truth.


  1. People might also ask how Mr. Keller reported on the public meeting Oct. 5th...even though he was not there.

  2. Even when Wes is at the meetings, he isn't really "there".

