Friday, September 25, 2009

Dewatering 101

The 2,400 acre open pit mine must be dewatered, that is a FACT, not an allegation (in case Wes the "crypt keeper" Keller happens to be reading this).

What is dewatering? This is the removal of large quantities of fresh clean water to lower the water table in the area in which aggreates are being removed. The water must be removed at a faster rate than it can be recharged in order to keep th hole dry while they mine. This will result in what is known as the cone of depression, which is NOT the same as the cone of silence that local Councils, both upper and lower tier have apparently intiated with respect to John Lowndes and his shenangians.

What problems does dewatering create?

The water table in the immediate area of the pump will drop. Wells in the draw-down area will have their water levels drop or the wells can go dry. Nature likes to remain in balance. To keep the water level in equilibrium, ground water will be drawn from every direction, for a large radius, to replace the water removed. The direction of the ground-water flow will be altered; all water will be drawn toward the area being dewatered.

Do not forget, more than 1 million Ontarians live in the watershed of the Grand and Nottawasaga Rivers.

While Highlands is mining this massive open pit mine, they need to pump water which presents them with that little "problemo" about what to do with the huge quantities of water they pump?

Well, they are proposing something called a Groundwater Recirculation System (GRS). What is that you ask? It means, to get rid of the water that is pumped, Highland proposes to reinject it into the aquifer.


I hear you asking yourself, "I thought the Ontario government was offering, in fact, insisting that if I had an old well head on my property that I should immediately cap it, for fear that a dead mouse, cow shit or some other contaminents were inadvertinently introduced to the aquifer and I ruined mankind as we know it?" Well, you are right the government DID worry about that.

SOOOO, I have to ask, how in the freak could anyone decide that they needed to become more insanely rich than they already are with this harebrained scheme? I would suggest that a highly paid guru, I mean consultant, said a helicopter, yachts and private schools are pretty costly Mr. Lowndes so in order to finance that off the backs of the unsuspecting, let put out some vodoo, hodoo, mumbo jumbo around the Melancthon application and see what floats.

I think we all know that while shit floats, it also runs downhill.... right into the aquifer.

When enough water has been removed, another problem will result called land subsidence. Land subsidence happens when an aquifer is over-pumped. Water between the soil particles is replaced with air space; the soil is no longer buoyed up by the water, the soil surface collapses. The results are soil compaction and sink holes. The soil's structure is destroyed; it will no longer ever be able to store water. These changes are permanent and irreversible.

Lowndes clearly has been promised $$$$ and as a result the life/soul has been replaced with, well nothing, referred to as "human subsidence".

Page 20 of Highlands material presented at their heavily guarded open house on July 25, 2009 in Hornings Mills states: "bottom line-no adverse effects on water".

I would add to the statement "bottom line-no adverse effects on water.....provided you do no live in the watershed of the Grand or Nottawasa Rivers."


  1. I am concerned about your "shit floats" comment. I certainly hope yours does not - it shouldn't as that would be a warning that you are not absorbing any of the fat in the foods and could be a sign of problems with several organs such as your pancreas. You should get that checked out. Maybe it's time for a colonoscopy too?

  2. See, just shows that you are as uniformed about shit as is Highland Companies, Lowndes and Maid Marion Mikey Daniher regarding the residents of Melancthon-they are intelligent, well organized and going to kick the shit out of Lowndes.

    Since you don't know, I will inform you that, as everyone with a brain knows, shit that floats is an indicator that you have a healthy diet and are eating enough fibre.

  3. You don't know shit.

    Floating stools are seen in a variety of different situations. Most are diet-related, or caused by episodes of diarrhea that accompany a gastrointestinal infection. A change in diet can lead to an increase in the amount of gas produced by the bacteria found in the (healthy) gastrointestinal tract.

    Dietary changes, diarrhea, and malabsorption can cause floating stools. Most causes are harmless and the floating stools will go away by themselves when the infection ends or the normal bacteria in the GI tract adjust to the changes in the diet.

    The following diseases may also cause floating stools:

    Biliary atresia
    Cystic fibrosis
    Disaccharides deficiency (insufficient amounts of the sugar-digesting enzymes lactase, sucrase, or isomaltase)
    Gluten-induced enteropathy (sprue or celiac disease)
    Idiopathic steatorrhea (fatty stools with no known cause)
    Short bowel syndrome

    I know shit. You don't know shit.

