Tuesday, September 22, 2009

He Shoots...He (doesn't) Score

In a letter dated September 9, 2009 that appeared on the September 17, 2009 Council agenda, Deputy Dog Hill makes the following explanation to a ratepayer as to why Council has not acted on any of the recommendations the public has made to battle this mine:

“Think of it is this way. If we were playing a hockey game we would develop a definite strategy. We’d have our key players and key plays lined up so we could do our best to win the game and defeat the opponent.”

I wonder why there is such a disconnect between the way Council perceives how they are battling this application and the way the public sees it.

I think of it this way. Council is standing in front of an open net and player after player is passing the puck to them and rather than dropping the puck into the net, Council is deflecting them all away.

No offence, but isn’t the best defence a good offence?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous06 June, 2010

    bill is the team guy that if he can't score all the goals, he isn't going to score any.

