Monday, November 21, 2011


Melancthon Council has sent out an open letter to ratepayers.

And good for them.

Lack of communication was a HUGE issue and this is a step in the right direction.

While the letter (which I see more as a type of report card) lists accomplishments in the past year, it is completely silent on the Official Plan and a Strategic Plan-two of the most important guiding and management documents in any municipality.

And I would bet that in a couple of months, when Jordan gets around to taking a peek at the Source Water Protection Plan and sees what is going to be needed to bring Melancthon in compliance regarding OP implications we will hear, I can't get it into conformity because of the province.

More transparency is needed around the OP-how many years has Jordan been working on it, how much money have taxpayers paid, why do we not have an updated official plan and why in the hell does Jordan still have a job as a consultant at the muncipality?

And the other thing that was not mentioned in Councils report card-not a word on their industrial park proposal.


  1. Where oh where is the Deputy Mayor?

  2. Did they ever get that little discrepancy between what Strada SAID they trucked and what they really trucked and how much if anything is owed to Melancthon figured out? Ah, forget I asked.

