Sunday, July 11, 2010


I get that Melancthon Council is feeling beat up, I really do.

And just when it appears there is a glimmer of movement on their part towards being more open, accountable and, well in tune with the NEW Municipal Act, 2001 instead of the one that existed in 1978 (when our last Official Plan was done and when Gordon Oldfield was our Mayor), then something happens.

Thirty years ago things were done differently. The legislation was different, times were different. BUT to continue to operate a municipality under the guise of being in the 1970's is not only naive, but dangerous.

You can NOT run the municipality on volunteers and handshakes and goodwill. That opens the door for companies like Strada, the turbines, the biosolids and of course Highland Companies.

Watch tomorrow's post for Strada's new plans, which involve below the water table mining (they have already made their aggregate application to MNR), while being in voilation of their exisiting water taking permit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11 July, 2010

    Those people who volunteered for "committee work" and then found out they had to actually dig graves and trim trees in the cemetary and sand floors and paint the Hornings Mills Hall-if they get injured while working, who covers that?

