Saturday, July 3, 2010


First things first.

This was orchestrated to divide and conquor.

Only a select few "neighbours" were invited.

They were NOT selected from any Official Plan Amendment (OPA) or Zoning bylaw amendment circulation area.

This was NOT the public meeting that Highlands has to hold, as legislated by the Planning Act, after they file for the OPA.

Now the nuts and bolts.

Each car was met in the driveway by Mickey, I mean Michael, clipboard and notebook in hand, with a tall anemic looking lackey and another beefy lackey on the deck.

Imagine-Mikey has graduated FROM a lackey to having two of his own, but I digress.

If this "show of force" was meant to G-20 people (you know frighten them), I am afraid it did the opposite. Honestly, what the hell were they guarding in the house? A science experiment-nope. Just King John.

Yes, he was there. In the flesh. THREE nights in a row. To meet some of his personally selected subjects.

Only 6-8 subjects were actually permitted in the room with him per meeting and those subjects were outnumbered by about 2:1 by King John's loyal guard. So lets see, about 6 people per night x 3 nights equals about 18 neighbours who were invited to the little partay to hear a message from on high, I mean a message from King John. (blow trumpet here, preferrably out King John's ass, but again I digress)

This guy is more reclusive than Howard Hughes. But I think just as weird. I didn't get a good look at Howard, I mean King John's toenails. Were they all stored in glass jars lined up behind him?

In any event the comments from the attendees (pay attention here Mikey and be sure to record it on your little clipboard):

"Waste of time"

"I am still pretty angry 2 days after the meeting"

"I didn't even bother going, I knew it would a waste of time"

"I felt like the cool kid being kicked out of the nerd party"

"No answers provided"

"Application is about 4 months from being filed-hearings about 5 years from now"

"When we arrived we were met in the driveway..confronted...and told us we were not welcome and that we must leave"

There are many, many more comments, much of the same stuff. But talk about controlling the message. Same thing with their little "open house" last July. Whenever the public is invited to a session where everyone is broken up into little groups and they are not giving the same message in a large group setting, you know there is nothing public and nothing honest about what you are going to hear.


  1. Anonymous03 July, 2010

    Seriously....nothing new....just the same old same old? Why so secretive then???

  2. Anonymous03 July, 2010

    I believe our Mayor was there. Maybe she will have an update at the next Council meeting.

