Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I bet you thought of Timmy's when you read that, didn't you?

Well now that I have your attention, here I go again about Highland's (and Eddie Crewsons) pet project, a $15 million YMCA to be located in Shelburne, but financially supported by 5 neighbouring munipalities.

What type of financial support? Don't know, no one seems to "officially" know anything. Very peculiar, particularly when they are already discussing a land purchase to accomodate the facility. Must be a business plan somewhere.

Read this article from Collingwood closely. It is about how the taxpayers are on the hook for $1.5 million in reno/expansion costs to their YMCA. AND then the same ratepayers are being solicited to donate/fundraise another $2 million to pay for the $ 3.5 million YMCA reno/expansion.

Talk about a double double.

Same funding issues will happen here if the YMCA goes ahead. Building it is the cheap part.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Recently a Melancthon ratepayer asked to videotape public meetings of Council.

(Shhh, The Municipal Act is silent on this issue. It is a local decision as to permit this or not. )

Melancthon Council did not seem to realize the decision was theirs and immediately went into panic mode and contacted their lawyer...DURING the meeting at which the request was made. Wow, this is clearly WAY more important than a 2,400 acre, 200 foot open pit mine, stop the presses, call the cops, get a legal opinion!!!!!

Attached is the legal opinion provided (at taxpayers expense of course):

In short, it basically advises Council to adjourn the meeting and to contact the police should anyone videotape a public meeting in a public facility. Do you think they have a panic room? I envision the Monty Python sketch, "Run away, run away"... but I digress.

Mr. Osyany's legal opinion does state that the Municipal Act, 2001 does not speak to videotaping a public meeting in a public venue. What he neglects to mention is that many, many, many Council meetings, even the Provincial legislature are videotaped by local cable programs.

His legal opinion also does not advise that if Council determines that videotaping will NOT be permitted, that they need to include that provision in their procedure bylaw AND/OR in a written policy.

Currently the procedure bylaw provides that the Mayor or Presiding Officer can deal with behaviour that "disrupts the order and decorum of the meeting". Did Council give this ratepayer the opportunity to show that the videotaping would be unobtrusive and not disrupt the decorum of the meeting?

NO. They just threatened to call the police. I am not sure what charge the police would lay???...????

If a member of the public can not videotape within the municipal building, I would presume that would also mean should VR land show up to videotape a good news story on the premises they would be barred. Should someone have a retirement party on the premises, I would presume videotaping would be prohibited?

I have to assume that, because there is a lack of a written policy with respect to videotaping.

It IS curious however that Council has NOT passed the demolition control bylaw which they introduced in December 2009. Apparently it is because the bylaw appears to be "directed" at one problem ratepayer (for lack of a better word) and their crack legal team has determined that you can't single out anyone for their actions with a specific bylaw or policy. (If this is not correct, you will have to forgive me, but the issue was dealt with in closed session as well as a private meeting between the Mayor and Highlands, ooops, I mean the "problem ratepayer").

Seems funny then, that Council can direct an unwritten policy and threats of police action against ONE ratepayer who merely asked to videotape a public meeting in a public building which said meetings and premises are paid for with taxpayer $$$$.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Public Sector Salary disclosure website shows that for 2009 the taxpayers in Dufferin paid the top bureaucrat at the County CAO a salary of $143,004.12.

Don't believe me?? Check out this link:
This is the same CAO who can't seem to get a coyote bylaw right, who seemingly wasn't able to interpret the County 's own longstanding tree bylaw correctly, but who now is advising:

"At the direction of the Warden and the Chair of the Museum Board we wish to advise that effective immediately, the existing County of Dufferin Bylaw 2006-15 will be enforced to its fullest extent and will apply to all cutting. Applications for minor exemptions under this bylaw will be considered based on the entire area of the woodlands, regardless of property lines.
The County Forester has been directed accordingly.

Linda J. Dean, MPA"

This is the same CAO, who accepted the position as County CAO at the salary offered several years ago, but then within 2 years convinced the County Council that the top bureaucrat should always make more than anyone else in the County and received a raise in keeping with the position;

This is the same CAO who has "allegedly" violated the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) by "reporting" on those nuisance ratepayers to their employers, thereby subjecting the County (and taxpayers) to a potential civil lawsuit;

This is the same CAO who within 2 short years of becoming the County CAO, surreptitiously moved office from the front of the County building to the back of the building, upstairs, out of the way of the pesky public, without notifying Council.

How did she do that? Well she read the policy and realized that if she spent less than $10,000.00 doing it, she wouldn't have to obtain Council permission (and thereby not inform Council BEFORE she did it). How much did the move cost the ratepayers-between $9,000 and $10,000.00.

That is right, just under $10,000 to move an office. Remember, it needed to be in keeping with her position as THE most senior bureaucrat in Dufferin. And I do believe it involved some VERY nice furniture too.

This is the same CAO who County employees don't raise any sort of concerns or objections or they find themselves escorted to the door, without explanation or reason. Not a problem for the CAO, because the taxpayers pay for the wrongful dismissal, all behind closed doors so the public has no idea what is going on or what they are paying for. Is that the kind of organization that you want handling YOUR tax dollars? Where staff who might be in a position to know something is amiss, is afraid to speak out? In my opinion, the show up and shut up method seems to be the County CAO's management style.

This is the same CAO whom I watched in disbelief at County Council as the press were taking pictures of politicians for some good deed they had done and the photoshoot stopped dead, as the CAO, a paid employee NOT a politican, took leave of her dais and took a place in the photoshoot.

Here is a tip: a CAO's job is to carry out the elected Council's policies and directives and for $140,000 be able to advise Council and know when a bylaw is not in conformity with provincial legislation or when the County is obligated to enforce their own bylaws. Their job is NOT to ensure their picture appears in the paper alongside elected officials.

In my opinion this same CAO is stifling any sort of ratepayer involvement or questioning by her belittling answers and her impatient and discourteous manner. The average taxpayer should not have to be a lawyer, a municipal expert or have legislative experience or knowledge to be able to ask a question and expect a response. Being belittled, looked down upon and shut down or out is NOT the type of open and transparent government to which the County of Dufferin ratepayers are entitled or pay for.

I am sure that politicians do not need to be reminded that a municipal employee's behaviour reflects on the politicians and their chances for re-election. The bureaucrats keep their job no matter how nasty they are to the paying public.

Here is something to think about. New Tecumseth (Alliston) pays their CAO $143,571.68 a year. That CAO is also a lawyer, who I can bet does NOT need to pay for a legal opinion on a New Tecumseth bylaw. Dufferin pays their CAO (who's background is the Clerk of Orangeville) $143,004.12. Which ratepayers are getting more value for their money, New Tec or Dufferin?

Just a thought.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Found this posting on facebook:

"The Museum Board Meeting scheduled for last night (Wednesday March 24th, 2010) was unable to go forward due to a lack of quorum. This means further delay in dealing with the proposed new Forest Conservation Bylaw. In the meantime, the County Forester requires direction on the enforcement of the County’s existing Bylaw.

At the direction of the Warden and the Chair of the Museum Board we wish to advise that effective immediately, the existing County of Dufferin Bylaw 2006-15 will be enforced to its fullest extent and will apply to all cutting. Applications for minor exemptions under this bylaw will be considered based on the entire area of the woodlands, regardless of property lines.

The County Forester has been directed accordingly.

Linda J. Dean, MPA
Chief Administrative Officer"

Congratulations to everyone who has long fought this battle against clear cutting Melancthon forests.

I would suggest that if you see ANY cutting in Melancthon/Mulmur or anywhere in Dufferin, in view of this recent edict from on high, that you email the County Forrester ASAP at My understanding is they no longer accept verbal complaints, they must be in writing.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


The committee was unable to deal with the bylaw last night. Unfortunately they didn't have a quorum and couldn't hold a meeting. And these things do happen and it is unfortunate, but sometimes that is the way things go-not as planned.

The Chair did ask for comments/questions from the public for discussion only and not for the purposes of a meeting, and there were some good comments.

It looks like they will have to consider the issues next month at the next committee meeting.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The museum committee is meeting tonight, at the Dufferin County Museum @ 7:00 p.m., to yet again take a look at revising the County tree cutting bylaw. Please plan to attend the meeting tonight if you can.

The County of Dufferin has a perfectly good bylaw in place, but they refuse to enforce it, because if they did it would mean they would have to fine Highland Companies for cutting acres and acres and acres of trees on agricultural land without permits as required by the existing bylaw.

So the County has twisted and turned and squirmed and squirmed over the past year in trying to get a new bylaw to the table and passed. The new bylaw as proposed will mean the County can wash their hands of the entire matter and the CAO can go back to her $9,999.00 office hidden in the back of the building and not be bothered with any of this stuff.
Why are they so intent on implementing a new bylaw? Well of course Highlands pulled out the old "warning" about potential legal repercussions, blah, blah, blah and of course that is the only thing local politicians seem to hear. Not that their long time ratepayers, friends and neighbours are crying out for strong leadership and help with the devastation of their community, only the droning from Highlands.... blah, blah, legal, blah, blah, lawyer, blah, blah, blah, OMB, blah, blah.

I wonder how much this entire tree debacle, initiated due to Highlands "environmentally responsible agricultural plan" of clear cutting thousands and thousands of trees before anyone stepped in and stopped them, has cost taxpayers.

The rail issue (sale of Orangeville's rail line, dependant on the County selling their portion with Orangeville's weighted vote) has cost taxpayers $420,000.00 to date.

Yup Highlands are just good corporate citizens who want to be good neighbours and operate one of the best gosh darn potato farms in the world. Hard to farm with no prime agricultural land or water due to their plans for a 2,400 acre 200 foot open pit mine and hard to be a good neighbour when they have demolished the 20 neighbouring homes.....

Monday, March 22, 2010


New Melancthon Councillor: Click the link


In May of 2009, Melancthon Council invited John Lowndes, of the Highland Companies, to attend a meeting of Council to explain the 400 permanent jobs statement that was prominately featured in the DVD that Highlands circulated to all homes in Melancthon, telling what a great and wonderful thing their economic plan for Melancthon was.

No one knew at that time Highland's economic vision would be a 2,400 acre 200 foot open pit mine.

At the March 18, 2010 meeting, Council confirmed that John Lowndes has, to date, declined to attend.

In my opinion he is a very busy beaver.
Draw your own conclusions.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


FOUND: endangered species in Melancthon - a reporter for a local paper actually in ATTENDANCE at a Melancthon Council meeting.

Since summer 2009 this paper's gonzo reporting for this news outlet meant reading the agendas and minutes and "reporting" from that, rather than actually showing up or interviewing anyone. (NOTE: When you see the phrase in an article that someone was "not reached for a comment" means they didn't bother to call that person for a comment-NOT that the individual refused to comment.)
Although just because this reporter was in attendance at the meeting, doesn't mean they will report on the same meeting that the rest of us were at. After all this reporter is a "freelancer", not employed by any paper, rumoured to be something to do with a spot of legal trouble over reporting techniques quite some time ago.

Looking forward to the objective article. Looking forward to seeing how many full page ads Highlands takes out in this paper this week.

Wonder if Highlands has to put this sighting of the elusive species in their EA as endangered...just asking.....

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Take a look at this article. The headline reads:

Nine in Ten (87%) Ontarians Believe Amount of Tree Loss in Ontario Every Year is a Serious Problem

Who else could that 10th person be other than John Lowndes/Michael Daniher???


Our good friends just to the north of us (Duntroon) have been battling Walker Industries for some time. You know, they are the HUGE corporation with the massive pit on the south side of County Road 91.

But like all massive below the water table aggregate operations they have run out of gravel. And well since there is already a 300 acre hole on the south side of the road, why not put another 300 acre hole on the north side too?

Well for all the same reasons that they shouldn't put a 2,400 acre massive hole in Melancthon, water, environment, etc. etc.

In fact, behind the scenes this company has "worked" with Council and are now purchasing part of the road and will close it. The reasoning the company gave for needing to close it? Well there will be 500 trucks a day. EXCEPT in this article Vice President Ken Lucyshyn states:

"...even though they are limited to 500 trucks coming and going each day under the expansion, there won't be that many. Lucyshyn says the most truck traffic they've had in one day has been 384."

FIRST QUESTION: do you need the road closed to 500 trucks a day or NOT?

He goes on to state:

"Lucyshyn also says that they won't be 75 meters below the water table at the expansion site -- which is a number that has been used against them.

COMMENT: Ah, this huge corporation is being picked on by the people who's very lives are being threatened, just like poor Highlands is being picked on over trees, wells, water, houses, etc. etc. etc.

Then there is this:

He says the majority of the new quarry would be at the same level as the old one -- about 25 to 30 meters below the water table -- with the middle a bit deeper.

QUESTION: How MUCH deeper. How much is a "bit"?

And just like Highlands here in Melancthon, Walker Industries has oodles of money to throw around, if not on threats of legal action on `community betterment`which will be a win win for everyone, mostly meaning them:

"Walker Industries will also cover most of the cost of a 10.5 million dollar project to improve roads in Clearview, with the township paying just one million dollars."

The deal also means that Clearview will support the expansion of the pit at that hearing in April.

Lucyshyn says the agreement with Clearview and Simcoe County is a win-win."

MY COMMENT: There must be an aggregate company handbook with all the same statements.

Most disturbing and telling statement, regarding rehabilitation?

"Lucyshyn says that when they move across the road, if the expansion is approved, the old quarry would be filled up with water, and become a lake.

He says that's part of their rehab plan for the old site, which includes developing fish habitat in the bottom of the quarry, and adding islands as well."

JUST WONDERING: How much does planting some trees and dropping some fish in what was formerly viable land cost them in relation to the profits they have made for the corporation over the past years? Just asking....

Here is the entire article.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Seems the Town of Innisfil built a YMCA not that long ago.

I am presuming that the YMCA, not wanting any of their facilities to fail did the requisite "studies" that they did in Dufferin and Soutgate. You know, population to be served is 29,450, but only actually talked to 428 people for their opinion.

Anyhew, it doesn't seem to be working out so well for Innisfil.

According to this article, it is cheaper to load the kids into a bus and drive them to a Barrie facility than use Innisfil's YMCA.

And remember, Innisfil has a casino and racetrack and thousands and thousands and thousands of $$$$ in revenue every year from it, but user fees are too high for their residents to use the Innisifil YMCA.

Just a word of advice (yet once again) to all sitting politicians who thinks this is a good thing for "our" community. Highlands will built it, that is the cheap part ($15 million was the last estimate I heard). It is the cost of running it that is unreasonable and unaffordable.

If as Mayor Crewson indicated he can't afford the $700,000 loss on operating costs of an indoor pool like Orangeville incurred in 2006 (and that is the LOSS, that isn't the total operating cost), how in the hell is he going to afford a YMCA? Melancthon can't help out, tax base has been decimated and we already pay for three arenas and two pools.

Other YMCA blog postings you might want to check out on miningforthetruthinmelancthon:

October 16, 2009
November 19, 2009
November 22, 2009
November 25, 2009
December 4, 2009
March 4, 2010
March 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


There have been unsubstantiated rumours in Melancthon for a couple of years now that Highlands has approached a staff or councillor(s) about purchasing and closing the 4th line of Melancthon between Sideroad 15 and 20 in Melancthon.

All the usual denials have been issued-nope, nothing to see here ta
xpayers, move it along.....

I bet when it happened to Clearview last week, taxpayers were pretty stunned because they just didn't see it coming (see the excerpt and article).

"A plan to turn a portion of a county road over to Walker Aggregates Inc. is stirring consternation west of Duntroon.

The plan, approved by both Clearview Township council and Simcoe County council, will see the western end of County Road 91 turned over to the company...." (March 10, 2010 Enterprise Bulletin)

It can't possibly be true in Melancthon though, because an elected official has assured it isn't.

Until I see it in writing from all staff and elected officials, however, I am going to have a little nagging doubt.

And of course no one wants to put it in writing.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

As posted on the Township of Melancthon's website:

"The Council of the Township of Melancthon will be interviewing the following candidates for the vacant Councillor position on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers:

  1. Wayne Hannon
  2. Nanci Malek
  3. Bart Malloy
  4. Nancy Noble
  5. Wilbert Tupling
  6. Patricia Salisbury
  7. Darren White

All of the Public is welcome to come and observe."

My comment: we all have a stake in this very important decision. Try to make it to the meeting on Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.



The Town of Oakville is facing the possibility of a gasification plant in their town. Both the Town of Oakville and the City of Mississauga (as well as the Township of King who faces a peaker plant in the Holland Marsh) have taken PROACTIVE steps to fight this battle on behalf of their ratepayers.

Additionally Flamborough is fighting a 300 acre pit and have had the support of their elected officials from DAY ONE.

They have not left it up to their grassroots organizations to fund and fight the issue.

Click on the links to read:

Oakville passes interim control bylaw

Town passes bylaws to protect heritage properties

Here is one where the Oakville Mayor lashes out at the Ford Plant for supporting the powerplant (wow, unheard of here in Melancthon-when Highland speaks the heavens open)

Environmental Defence joins battle over Flamborough Quarry

Thousands of people rally at Queen's Park to fight the power plant, including Oakville Mayor Rob Burton, Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn and Charles Sousa, Mississauga Mayor McCallion, King Mayor Margaret Black, members of Oakville, Mississauga, King and Halton Councils,

Think about it, politicians fighting WITH their ratepayers for what is good and right, NOT having secret meetings to avoid getting sued by big bad corporations.

If you lead, we will follow.

PLEASE won't some elected official lead us?

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I have been a little worried about Minion Mickey.

He hasn't been seen at the last few meetings, well not since his little meltdown outside the County Building after the February meeting where he didn't get his way over the tree cutting bylaw.

BUT I have solved the mystery, I know where he is.

Right where Lowndes and the Baupost Group put him.

They must have forgot about him.

And I know, I know, this is a pretty immature posting, but I am still giddy after hearing about Thursdays County Council meeting!

Friday, March 12, 2010


SO much has been happening. Not sure where to start.

FIRSTLY: Kudos to every single elected County politician for the leadership they showed at the meeting on March 11, 2010 with respect to the proposed tree cutting bylaw.

In a nutshell, the proposed bylaw would have allowed Highlands, under the "guise" of agriculture to continue their destruction of Melancthon forests unabated. The current bylaw at least provides they must apply for a permit before they cut.

Not one County politician voted for the proposed bylaw, except Chair Oosterhof and he only did that AFTER he presented an amendment which would have mandated that agricultural uses would require a permit to cut.

Every single politician showed leadership and a true understanding of the issue and everyone should thank them for this.

And what is interesting is Highlands mouthpiece, Minion Mickey wasn't at the last museum committee meeting or at last night's County Council meeting to hear the "verdict".

Either he couldn't trust himself not to have a meltdown on the steps of the County building on his phone like last month, or they are cooking something else up.

Just wondering if the Baupost Group, the Boston based hedgefund who is funding all of this is getting advised of the REAL situation up here, that this is going to be no cake walk and they better be prepared to keep ponying up more $$$$$ and at best it is an iffy proposition.

Water and the environment seems to be a BIG concern in this foreign nation called Canada.
I bet they had no IDEA.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hey, anyone remember someone named Steve Boone? Check out the blog post of October 16, 2009.

He is the President of the YMCA that encouraged ratepayers to email him with their comments about the YMCA being located in Shelburne at the expense of ratepayers from Melancthon, Mulmur, Southgate, Amaranth, Mono and Shelburne, who on receipt of those comments, IMMEDIATELY forwarded them to Minion Mikey. No privacy concerns or expectations there

Wonder if Steve's bosses know that he is using his position at the YMCA to promote his barber shop quartet? Check it out:

Wonder if they know the words to the song, YMCA???? Just asking.


The PEOPLE elect the politicians

The POLITICIANS hire the staff

Therefore the POLITICIANS and STAFF work at the pleasure of the PEOPLE

In order to elect a politician you must vote, something numbered companies and corporations can not do because well they are not PEOPLE (this is true, check out the Municipal Elections Act, 1996)

October 25, 2010 is election day in Ontario

Please ensure you exercise your democratic

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Go enjoy.....back next week.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Please plan to attend if at all possible. Bev has been a resident of Melancthon for years, a municipal employee and a Councillor.

Sunday March 7, 2010 at the Melancthon municipal office from 2 to 4 p.m.

Best wishes only.

More details at:

Thursday, March 4, 2010


As any politician who has served more than 2 terms on Council knows, building something is the cheap part. Maintaining it is the expensive part.

Collingwood is finding that out now with "their" YMCA. Hi-lites from the attached article:

"Collingwood's portion of the YMCA expansion will come out of general reserves.

Council voted on Monday to take the $1.5 million out of general reserves rather than the tax levy, which would have increased taxes about seven per cent as $220,000 equates to a one per cent increase.

Tom Coon, CEO of the YMCA of Simcoe Muskoka made a presentation and said the organization has already raised $700,000. The YMCA is required to raise $2 million before the town kicks in its portion. He said the YMCA is 25 years-old and is in need of repair."

Hope Highlands doesn't get the entire mine dug and disappear on their rail road with their last load of aggregate before Eddie needs a new roof on his YMCA, because Melancthon won't be able to afford to help. They will be running massive pumps 24/7 to keep water out of the 2,400 acre 200 foot hole so that Eddie will have enough water pressure to fill the pool up at his YMCA which needs the new roof. Talk about six degrees of separation.


How much is Melancthon expected to "do" for the Province of Ontario, the County of Dufferin and of course Boston, China, where ever?

Lets see, we have had several gravel pits for years, supplying aggregate;

Then we got Strada, a 300 acre pit, which by the way the Mayor met with their officials a couple of weeks ago about their expansion-did anyone know that except me;

We have a municipal landfill site and manage OUR own garbage. Now the County wants OUR landfill;

We "got" 50 windturbines, which has now grown to 111 to supply energy to the Province (while we are generating an excess of electricity in the standard way and selling it to the US);

Oh yes, then there was the sludge that we received from Toronto for a couple of years-remember that stuff that the smell would NEVER go away and left a metallic taste in your mouth and was so unstable farmers were not allowed to plant root crops for a minimum period of time after spreading. Council, rightly so, enacted a bylaw in contravention of Provincial legislation. However it put a stop to that and the Province didn't haul Melancthon to court over it and thanks to Council for taking a stand, that was truly horrific stuff.

County politicians are trying to railroad us and run a train through the existing rail bed in Melancthon, which will be connected by a spur line through our backyards-they "get" a YMCA and $7 million, Melancthon gets, well you know screwed;

And the final insult a 2,400 acre 200 foot deep open pit limestone mine to supply (fill in the blank here) China, US, Brazil, Boston, Timbuktu with aggregate.

Who knew our little farming community with our specialty soil on the headwaters of the Grand and Nottawasaga Rivers would be so valuable to the world for everything EXCEPT our specialty soil, water and food?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Finally, this blog appears to have attracted the attention of some elected officials and naysayers.

In most municipalities that is a great thing-diverse opinions and great debate.

Some anon commenters are wondering why I don't reveal myself.

I have to say that I can't do that because my source of information will dry up. People's democratic rights, that are guaranteed to every Canadian citizen under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been threatened by various municipal officials and other individuals. If I reveal who I am, it reveals my sources.

My sources need to know that what they provide me IS anon-to protect their rights - rights which SHOULD be protected by being a Canadian, but in Dufferin they don't appear to be.

What do I mean?

Well, we have a local politician who threatened, in writing, to sue a ratepayer for expressing an opinion. We have THE senior bureaucraft of Dufferin County "telling on" people who are critical of Dufferin County to their employers, a violation of MFIPPA. We have the YMCA who wants to come into "our" community who encouraged people to email their comments to them, and then immediately REPORTED these emails and comments to a "local" developer who then used this information against a ratepayer at a Council meeting. AND we had a local reporter who actually showed up at meetings and didn't report from agendas and minutes, who was mysteriously reassigned so now we have NO coverage at Council meetings.

If you think this blog is rude and insolent and not respectful of elected officials-you have no idea what goes on at Melancthon Council meetings. The distain to ratepayers from politicians is nothing less than jawdropping. Well, unless you are Highlands spokesperson who is allowed to respond to questions which are put to our elected officials by ratepayers.

SERIOUSLY.....think about that.

This blog is the political watchdog that Council does not want. If you don't like it, please don't read it. If you find nothing useful on here, please do NOT log on again. You are free to read the blog or NOT.

Since early September when this blogger started posting almost daily, this site has logged over 9,500 hits. Someone must be interested. If you aren't one of them, then please, find something else to do with your time.

I would go out on a limb here, if Highlands hadn't cut them all down, and state that anything that is posted here as fact, is true. Anything that is posted here as my opinion is my right. And I challenge anyone to refute any FACT I have posted.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



If I was a paranoid person, I would THINK that our Council is in cahoots with Highlands, but I am NOT a paranoid person.

But then, an email arrived last night advising about this weeks Council meeting, 9:am at the municipal building Thursday March 4.

One of the items of note is a report by Andrew Osyany and Andrew Fyfe, municipal lawyer and planner regarding the proposed demolition control bylaw.
The report states: "Township Council has before it a draft demolition control bylaw which has been held in abeyance pending public approval. The only submission received was from Allan Leibel on behalf of Highland Companies."

In fact, between January 7, 2010 and February 4, 2010 eighteen letters in support of passing the demolition control bylaw were received by Council and posted with their agendas and minutes on the municipal website.

The ONLY letter received in opposition to the demolition control bylaw was (can you guess?) Highland Companies and who did Council and staff meet with privately in respect of this issue (altogether now...) Highland Companies!! I say if I were a paranoid person.....but I am not.

If you would like to express your displeasure/disbelief/distress/dissatisfaction to Council, forward your emails to Mayor and Council via

To read Osyany and Fyfe's report click this link:

Monday, March 1, 2010


Never give up!!
