Thursday, December 16, 2010


As reported on-line tonight, in tomorrow’s Orangeville Citizen (December 16,2010), the Trillium chair of Shelburne’s Royal Canadian Legion branch regarding the article about the roof replaced at the branch has taken exception to information published last week written by WES KELLER.

Well Surprise, Surprise.... Here is the article in full...

In the same December 16, 2010 edition in the letters to the editor section there is yet another complaint about WES KELLER’S article on wind turbines and his lack of research, which urges Wes to (don’t laugh) do some research.

For those frequent readers of this blog you will recall WES, the Crypt Keeper KELLER taking exception to a letter written in confidence to the owner/editor of Orangeville Citizen/Shelburne Free Press newspaper in response to an individual he contacted and quoted without obtaining prior consent or identifying which paper he was writing for.

Check out the November 24, 2010 blog post for details. In that article, poor Messy Wessy states: "After more than 30 years of fulltime reporting for both community and mainline newspapers, I stand accused for the first time ever of something that I would consider akin to a betrayal of a confidence."

Wow, within one month, three, count em THREE accusations/suggestions that Wes’s stellar reporting needs some...well truth and research and honesty.

And beware. When WES reports that someone was “not contacted for this article”, that means he didn’t bother to call them, not that he called them and they didn’t return the call....

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