Sunday, December 5, 2010


I am sure the YMCA is very interested in the article that appeared in the Toronto Star this weekend. You know the one where the Deputy Mayor of Shelburne, Chair of the Arena Board slams the town for "turning him in" for contravening the rules of minor hocky.

Here is the article in full.

If the Deputy Mayor who makes a salary from the taxpayers of Shelburne and who also acts as the Chair of the Arena Board, who earns that salary from all adjoining contributing muncipalities, feels this way about the community, that would seem as good as it gets. After all, isn't one of his roles as elected official is to promote the community?

Anyone looking to sell a house, expand their business or establish a business in Shelburne, take note.

Any Dufferin municipality who is partnering with the Town of Shelburne with respect to Economic Development, take note.

And, YMCA, beware of coming to a small minded, McCarthy like town.

The Deputy Mayor's town contact information is:

The Mayor of Shelburne's contact information

And Steve Boone, Senior VP of the YMVCA, good buddy of Daniher can be reached at: Steve.Boone@YMCAGTA.ORG

Support or opposition I am sure your comments would be welcome.

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