Sunday, January 24, 2010


"Irony (from the Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eirōneía, meaning hypocrisy, deception, or feigned ignorance) is a situation which there is an incongruity, discordance, or unintended connection with truth, that goes strikingly beyond the most simple and evident meaning of words or actions."

Lets see. On the Highlands website under community involvement it states: Funding a study to identify ways of reducing snowdrifting on County Road 124. (here is the link:

Oh, the irony. Highlands has done more in the past year to INCREASE drifting on 124 through their demolition and destruction of a number of homes, structures and trees along the road.

I have to make the assumption that the money for this study went to the County, you know the one from whom Highlands wants to purchase the rail line...

If someone wants to email the County ( and ask for a copy of the report and the cost of the study and then post it under comments that would be wonderful.

Under the same link for the category health and social services it states: Working with others to bring YMCA programs and services to the region.

Oh the irony. They are attempting to purchase the rail bed between Orangeville and Owen Sound. You know the one that is currently used for a hiking trail in the summer and snowmobile trail in the winter. AND they made this statement in the press when questioned about the loss of the recreational outlet:

"Like our agreement with the Town of Orangeville, we are not against accommodating special interest groups, such as the snowmobilers and trails, however you can appreciate that we are not in those businesses and our priority will be continuing to provide, and expanding, rail service along the line (as well as serving the Highlands farming operations)."

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