Thursday, June 3, 2010


Mayoralty Candidate Bill Hill, for all his purported experience does NOT get it.

He is a politician.

He will be subject to criticism-fair or unfair, but it is part of the game.

What most politicians do NOT do is wage a war in the papers with their own ratepayers (get it-voters????) when ratepayers disagree with them.

I don't know how he has time to campaign what with all his rebuttals and "corrections" to the paper to those who publically disagree with him. Here is the latest:

Since ratepayers started attending Council meetings on a regular basis in January 2009 that has been Bill's attitude toward ratepayers at meetings too.

If it isn't Bill's idea and it is proposed by a ratepayer-it is immediately, without ANY research or debate a non-starter in his world. Despite the idea usually happening later by force or will of the ratepayers.


Evening meetings - immediate response at the meeting by Bill was NO (later after increasing pressure they moved to ONE evening meeting a month)

Posting agendas and all the supporting documentation for public meetings on line BEFORE the meetings not 2-3 weeks after - immediate response at the meeting by Bill was NO (later found out the ratepayer who provided the information about other jurisdictions was right and there was NO problem with Freedom of Information so agendas and documents are now posted on line)

Hiring a full time planner - immediate response at the meeting(s) by Bill NO (the planner then started appearing one day a month and now will be there TWO days a month, but still not good value for money-see previous blog post)

It goes to the root of the problem why I will not vote for Bill. He refuses to be flexible, doesn't want to engage or employ new technology or ideas, he is still working in the 1980's municipal world when it is really a new century.

I swear he has no clue about what a strategic plan is. And do NOT forget. Under his watch under the last few terms the municipality has not engaged in a Strategic plan and is still operating under a 30 year old Official Plan.

And yet Bill feels he has the experience to lead us because he isn't happy with the current Mayor?

I will go out on a limb here and say. If the ONLY choice is between Bill and Debbie, I would vote for Debbie in an instant.

Any other takes on the Mayor's office?

Elected officials need to be setting policy and letting staff do the work including researching an issue, writing a report based on their research and staff expertise and providing a recommendation for Council.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous06 June, 2010

    Bill says in his rebuttal that his one and only contact with Ms Mercer was at a Council meeting over a year ago when she and others applied to fill a Council position and that Ms. Mercer has not been at a meeting before or since.

    I am a bit surprised he would make this comment, considering the last two council appointees, Janice Elliott and Darren White, had not attended one Council meeting before their appointment to Council.

