Monday, June 14, 2010


Just received an email advising that on the June 17, 2010 Melancthon Council agenda is an item titled review of evening Council meetings.

Well, about time they decided to move to all evening meetings.

Oh but wait a minute, this blogger could be wrong. It COULD be that they will be pulling the rug out from under the one evening Council meeting a month they hold.

It is just very difficult to tell, because of course they do not operate the way most muncipalities do, you know with a staff report to Council outlining the issue, providing background, research and a recommendation.

So, lets just assume for one minute they ARE considering not continuing with evening Council meetings.

Based on what? When they decided to "try" evening Council meetings they set no measurables on what would constitute a successful experiment.

So I am going to run a very unscientific poll on this blog, asking the simple question:

Do you think Melancthon Council should continue with evening Council meetings? YES or NO.

There are approximately 65 people a day reading this blog, so lets say I get 1% of the readers to vote (just like Highlands and the YMCA did when they did their "scientifically accurate" survey-see November 2009 post).

That means I need to get 1 vote to be accurate.

Just like in a municipal election, be sure you vote early and vote often...


  1. Anonymous17 June, 2010

    As usual you are WRONG again. Council voted tonight to continue with things the way they are so there will still be an evening meeting.

  2. Anonymous20 June, 2010

    Then why even bring it up again? I think at this stage of the game, there are other things for Council to vote on that wouldn't be a waste of time.

  3. Anonymous20 June, 2010

    I believe they had to. It was in the minutes that they would review in six months and a resolution to suspend the procedural bylaw needed to be dealt with, but yes, they do have much more to be voting on, like terminating Jorden's planning contract.

