Monday, February 7, 2011


The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation TOARC is what Melancthon is to rely on if Strada disappears without rehabiliating their exhausted pit, pursuant to the site plan.

Here is a link from an article on Gravelwatch from 2001.  Hope they have all these little niggling problems worked out by now.


  1. Corrupt to the core. Way to trust the right people Melancthon. Even one of your own councillor's warned you about TORAC...hey but why listen...same old same old.

  2. That is why the zoning on the property has been changed to a holding zone so that the rehab plan has to be referenced in the MNR site plan which would allow the township to enforce it in other ways so they dont have to depend on TOARC

  3. Good luck with that Councillor.

  4. Just wondering but when the MNR won't reference the rehab agreement in the site plan WHO pays to have the township make a friendly application to the court to ensure the legal agreement is valid?

  5. Yes indeed. What authority does Melancthon have for ensuring that the MNR "HAS" to reference the rehab plan in their site plant? I would imagine none, but I could be wrong.

  6. These posts are hilarious.
    - There is no "rehab agreement".
    - "the rehab plan has to be referenced in the MNR site plan"...? The rehab plan IS already a page of the site plan. Take a look.
    Just more examples of people miss reading things and spreading further misinformation. No wonder the mayor and councillors are frustrated during the questions period.

  7. Just thinking that if there was MORE discussion around the Council table, instead of on the phone and internet by Councillors, perhaps the public would be more informed?

  8. And I do have to thank the Deputy Mayor for his comments on the blog. Certainly upped the hits and put the numbers out of the ballpark.

  9. Where can the public access this "site plan"?

