Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Melancthon Council was the subject of two closed meeting investigations relating to meetings held in the summer of 2010.

The consultant who did the investigation was retained by Melancthon Council.

As a result of the investigation, the consultant Amberley Gavel found (and these are just the hi-lites)
on the face of it the public portion of the meeting was a sham both at the outset and even more critically at the conclusion of the meeting:”

"The placing of the notice (of the meeting) in a different location on the website made it difficult, if not impossible for the public to observe the actions of the council.:

"The resolution indicates that the meeting was closed in order to “discuss a matter pertaining to the receiving of advice that is subject to Solicitor/Client Privilege…. However the presence (in the closed meeting) of the party opposite in the agreement suggests the real reason was to finalize negotiation of the agreement.”

“The report …..does not fit within the exception relied upon in the public motion authorizing the closed meeting…:

“If the planners report is going on a council agenda, it should be on the public portion.”

The recommendations made by Amberley Gavel?

Simply that the procedure bylaw be updated and Council and staff undertake further training on procedures. 

Seriously that is it.  No reprimand, nothing.

The consultant further advised that if implemented, the recommendations would assist council and staff in serving their community. (gasp!!)

So there. Easy peasy, right?

Well not so fast.

Did Council accept their own consultants recommendations and look inward as to how they could better serve their constituents and show a commitment to transparency, move the municipality in a new direction and show leadership in setting a new tone with their ratepayers?

Survey says.....NO.

While this council is loathe to spend any money on lawyers, OMB hearings, bylaws, or hiring peer reviewers in a timely fashion against anyone proposing a 2,300 hundred acre 200 foot below the water table open pit limestone mine situate on prime agricultural land, they certainly don’t mind spending taxpayers money on a legal opinion to tell the taxpayers why Council is NOT at fault for anything.

And why isn’t it Council’s fault?

According to the lawyer (and this isn't the exhaustive list of excuses) it was because:

1. This was the meeting investigators first investigation- Following that logic, if a lawyer wins his/her first case in court does that mean the lawyers case should be found to be flawed?

2. There were more people at the complainants interview than at staff’s interview. Wouldn’t the answers all be the same whether there was 1 or 10 people in the interview?

3. Despite being legislated as to how closed and open meetings are to be held, the lawyer states that Council didn’t list the meeting as open because “ratepayers in the past have indicated that they do not wish to attend a meeting when most of the time would be spent in private session”. Wow, there are rules and standards for electricians, but my uncle told me one time just to stick a penny in the fusebox, it would work just as well and not waste time.  Do you think an electrician would get off in a court of law if something went south real quick employing this method?

4. And then there is this great logic-ratepayers need to be sophisticated (which means smarter I think, not sure I am not sophisticated enough to figure it out).  In fact the lawyer advises "any ratepayer sophisticated enough to follow Council matters would know that no decisions can be made in closed meetings and that a by-law could only be passed in an open meeting:  So there people, go get your political science degree so you can understand the machinations of Council. The rest of us unsophisticated hicks will have to stay at home and play our six string banjos with our six fingers and shoot possums from the front porch I guess.

Highlands, please continue with whatever you were doing (demolishing houses, cutting trees, ridding us of the pesky bobolink, altering sites without adhering to the site alteration bylaw, etc. etc.) because Council has no intention of ever standing up to you.

All other ratepayers, beware and be warned.

Council WILL stand up for their right to be wrong and make us wrongly pay.

If you want to read the entire report and solicitor’s letter open this link and read page 54 to 65.


  1. I've just read the entire report and Melancthon's solicitor's letter and understand your invitation to Highlands'. It continues to be beyond the capabilities of our idiot elected officials. Shame on our foolish majority electorate many of whom now display Stop The Quarry signs on their lovely lawns.

  2. wasn't the investigation done on the last Council? DF as the mayor who invited windmills and quarrys into the township....

  3. Yes 7:53am, but Bill Hill made all the decisions and all the other councillors fell in line...they still do...that is why nothing has changed.

  4. Four of the sitting councillors were on the last council and if you want to see what kind of representation we have at Council you should have seen the temper tantrum our Deputy Mayor had today because they were told to "improve" themselves. God help us all.

  5. What was his argument for having the temper tantrum?

  6. This is just another example of eroding of democracy at the Municipal level. "The people" followed the channels afforded them to insure council procedures were carried out democratically and Council chooses to "lawyer up" and defy the rules of democracy to save face. But saving face was not achieved and in their ignorance Melancthon Council is attempting to punish "the people" by silencing their questions. If Council thinks that the gallery is empty because the people trust them, they should think again. The gallery is empty because trying to reason with them is a waste of our lives. As it was so aptly put in the Melancthon gallery the other day, "I feel like I am in Mayberry!”

  7. Mayberry? OMG-who said that? How appropo!!! Except Andy with his wisdom and experience seems to be missing.

  8. Howard Johnson12 September, 2011

    Not Mayberry, folks... Blazing Saddles!

  9. wasn't there a post about Debbie being a crook? Where did that go?

  10. maybe minebuster is a friend of the ex-mayors? that would actually explain alot.

  11. It is illegal and possibly liabelous to accuse someone of a crime without proof. If you have proof the ex-Mayor, who is now a private citizen, is a crook, go to the police and send Minebuster the information and it will be posted. If you are of the OPINION that the ex-Mayor is a crook that is something different. Minebuster removed the unproved allegation, which was written as a statement of fact, NOT opinion. Minebuster.

  12. D. Fawcett's role in this hideous mess, is without doubt, nothing short of heinous. It would appear that it is acceptable for some to call the present mayor all the names under the sun, yet, miraculously, Fawcett is in the no fly zone.

  13. 10:33, if you read the blog from day 1 you will see the exmayor came under fire when she was the mayor. she isn't anymore, the current mayor is the mayor even though the Deputy dog wants to be. and when was the mayor accused of a crime i want to read that. calling someone names isn't illegal, accusing them of a crime without proof is.

  14. Well, if someone were to investigate the shenanigans that went on during the DF tenure, the truth might be determined. Sadly, thus far, no one has bothered to question why 2+2=4. Judging by the smug attitude of the Fawcett's, they consider it has just slipped under the radar. I for one, will not overlook the conflict of interest or the damage that has been wrought on this community due to Debbie Fawcett's failure to take care of this communities interests over her own, and yes, that is my considered opinion.

  15. doesn't debbie run the hall board? why have 4 board members resigned in the last year? someone said bill ran the last council..don't think so. council have their blips but overall seem to be trying.

  16. Who the hell cares that the Hall Board disagrees on who washes the tea towels and people resigning, mostly due to health reasons. COUNCIL needs to focus on the quarry issue, their outdated OP, their outdated fees and charges bylaw, their contraventions of the municipal act. You know the big stuff.

  17. 9:37 people are resigning due to health reasons? Is that true?

  18. Yes, I know that for a fact. People are resigning because they are sick of the hall board.

