For the background to this PR fiasco, see the blog posted on Sunday June 2, 2012 titled: What a Nightmare....
This picture of the original MMM was taken just to the NORTH and shows the wooden frame in the forefront, the one on which they announced to the world they were digging a 2,300 acre, 200 foot below the water table, open pit limestone mine.
Here is the MMM mere hours after Baupost/Seth/Highlands/HofB&K realized their PR blunder after, presumably, reading this blog:
You will note the big red circle in the above picture where the wooden sign used to stand, but it has been ripped out and left lying there.
They have done that to quite a few of these signs, however they left the carcasses behind along County 124 as shown in this next picture:
For a different approach however, from the SOUTH of the MMM that is, you can see a chain link fence (circled in red below) with all the test wells they have sunk in preparation for their 2,300 acre, 200 foot below the water table open pit limestone mine they are proposing to dig. And oh yeah, their MMM is in the background.
And the small red arrow points to a well placed
(insert maniacal laugh here)
Everything Baupost touches becomes a "carcass."