Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It would seem clear from recent comments to postings, that the 2011 Fiddlefest is NOT going to be the drunken fiasco it usually is, but rather a political statement.

Sign of the times I guess, but ah for the good old days..you know when the campers where situate beside the High school in the park and a fight would break out at least once an hour under the ball park lights and at least ONCE every 24 hours someone would tip over those old wooden port a potties with a high school enemy in it?  (FOR THE RECORD: those who had given birth, no matter age 12 to 50 were exempt from the tipping of the wooden port a pottie ritual)

On the other hand.   If the province doesn't think they have a provincial interest in the Highlands, aka Baupost, aka Seth Klarman, 2,100 acre 200 feet below the water table open pit limestone mine, Melancthon, who is so mindful of taxpayers money, should think about this:

Melancthon generates $14,000.00 from a 1% tax levy. 

So, if Melancthon doesn't get off their ass and start producing peer reviewed comments (as everyone else did by the April 26 date) to the ARA application, it will wind up costing them under joint and several liability.

How so??

Read all about it:

Nutshell:  oil spill occurred on private property and the municipality was implicated and paid.

So, Melancthon Council, PLEASE start demonstrating a full and vigourous objection to the Melancthon Mega Mine.

If not, I hope you start putting away money for the insurance claims that will be foisted on you should water contamination occur through the quarrying from Higlands, aka Baupost, aka Seth Klarman.  (You know the billionaire that could afford the repercussions, the one causing the potential repercussions??)

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