Sunday, August 14, 2011


Excerpt from a 2009 Toronto Star article:

Another NDACT draftee, cattle and pig farmer Ralph Armstrong, says he has "lost a lot of sleep" over who's going to sell next, not because of NIMBY-ism at the prospect of a quarry at his back door but because of an erosion of "our own values, of what's important." The Crown deed to his farm is dated 1861.

"Food has been rationed in my lifetime," he says. "It doesn't take much of a hiccup to cause a problem. We're talking about the generations following. It probably doesn't make much difference to me, but where's the good food going to come from if you don't have land to grow it on? What can you leave your grandchildren? Clean air to breathe, pure water to drink and good quality soil, secure, that you can grow food on.
"What else can you leave them that's any more important?"

Just remember Seth, your kids and grandkids can't eat money.

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't think that Seth Klarman or his grand kids give a jot about where Canadians will get their food from in the future. His kind are busy buying up land all over the planet in readiness for the food monopoly. It's our politicians who should be planning and protecting the Canadian stuff of life; Canadian food self sufficiency. When the day comes that we are completely dependent on the US, or such like, for our food supply, and we're already running in that direction, that's the day when they have us in their pocket. I don't believe any of these fat cats who worship at the alter of greed care about anything except their bottom line, it's a sickness that is sweeping the globe.

