Sunday, August 7, 2011


Wow, how many times have we heard that over the years from Departed Daniher?

You know when they started clear cutting trees in proven, but no charges laid, contravention of the County tree cutting bylaw...remember he said it was to maximize their agricultural operations, NOT as their critics claims to rid the land of wildlife and wildlife corridors. 

To date not one single crop has been planted anywhere Highlands cut a tree, in fact many of those trees still lay where they were felled. 

When they started bulldozing, burning and blasting homesteads?  Normal farm practices it was patiently explained to the unenlightened.  We were also assured the number of homes to be demolished would be less than double digits.  Not to depopulate the community as their critics claimed, but to BETTER the community.

NOW there is this:
Fronting on most properties on which Highlands owns land, it appears as though they have given a bunch of drunk monkeys some dull scissors and told them to cut every long standing blade of grass. 

Why would they do that?

Well there is something in this world that throws terror into the hearts of Seth Klarman, John Lowndes, Departed Daniher, Mz Lynz and every single investor in the Baupost Group.

Is it this?
Or this

Nope, it is this terrifying 1 oz, 6 inch bird called a Bobolink

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