Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Regarding the August 4, 2011 post "YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THIS", some astute readers noticed that when you do a bit of digging, in fact the municipality did not hold an illegally called meeting.

And they are right.

The meeting was a special meeting.

The point of that post was, anyone can put information out there that isn't factually true and people will believe it, until someone mines for the truth. It took six days for someone to notice and find the truth. I know that councillors were upset about that planted information.

Well that is how ratepayers feel when we are provided with incorrect information (or even worse, NO information).

There is some misinformation being tossed around right now about who has the jurisdiction to pass a demolition control bylaw in Melancthon.

It is NOT the County, it IS the Township of Melancthon.

Who issues demolition permits?  It IS the County, under the authority delegated to them by Melancthon Township. 

IF Melancthon doesn't pass the information on to the County that all lands which are the subject of an Aggregate Resources Act, and all the buildings and land thereon may be subject to a Stage I archaeological study and heritage study as required by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, how in the hell does the County know NOT to issue the permit?


  1. Hey, Minebuster: If Melancthon Township doesn't pass a bylaw to stop this they must know something that you don't-maybe you should "mine for that truth" and lay off Council???

  2. Ah 10:51... idiocy at work.

  3. The "truth" is that council stated they would not pass a demolition control law because it would seem like it was aimed at "one" company. Really? What about every other damn company that might start buying up Melancthon?!!Of course there was also the ever lame excuse that "everyone would be affected by it" and then what if you wanted to tear down a broken down old shed to improve your property? Then you too would be subject to the demolition law. What the hell! That is a good reason. Highlands is clearing for a mine, 30 plus homesteads and counting. Honestly, it like being governed by a bunch of Dr. Seuss characters.

  4. Hey August 9 @ 10.51 pm-last I heard our veterans fought two world wars to protect our right of free speech. Did Melancthon township pass a bylaw prohibiting that? (sometimes I crack myself up).

  5. Hey August 9 at 10:51 pm, you are right. We should be asking Council at the August 18 meeting exactly WHY they aren't passing a bylaw. Thanks for the idea.

