Monday, August 15, 2011


Not for a minute does Minebuster believe that Baupost, aka Seth Klarman, wants to control water. 

What he is doing is investing in a relatively, for him, cheap investment, raping the natural resources (California oil, Melancthon limestone) while obtaining water rights.

Once the oil and/or limestone is gone, what would raise the price of his investment substantially, particularly since the investment has been raped, I mean depleted of oil and/or limestone?


And since Baupost would hold the rights to the water, they hold the rights to sell it to the highest bidder.

Saudia Arabia?  Mexico?  Africa?  China?

Doesn't seem to matter to Seth Klarman, aka Baupost, highest bidder rules. 

Baupost investors gain, the world loses.

Hope Seth's wife, while writing those cheques for good deeds in Bawston, and the recipients of those cheques, have no qualms about where the money is coming from....

Just asking.


  1. What's the matter, Mr/Ms 10:05 a.m.??? This starting to get too ugly for ya? Cuz if you believe the bullcorn coming from Highland's PR people, I've got some land in Florida you might be interested in....

  2. Is Minebuster crazy or stupid? Probably a bit of both, but certainly worth reading with a cuppa java.

  3. Hey August 16 @ 10:05 calm down. There is no law that says you have to turn on your computer, fire up the low speed, wait to log on and then read the blog. And IF we could ask Council and get true and honest answers about things, we would. Otherwise we ARE stuck with this stupid blog.

