Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A commentor on yesterdays post suggested looking closer at a pit called the Codrington pit. 

This is a proposal for a 259 acre below the water table quarry about midway between Cobourg and Trenton.  

Here are some articles on it and guess what comes up?

St. Marys Cement;
pumping dirty water back into the drinking water;
applying for MORE than needed, so the volume of trucks won't be anything like our detractors say;
 6 days a week, 24 hour per day operation;
a community divided;
possibility of exporting water to China;
a confused Council unwilling to go to the OMB;
a quote: we can not drink money;
destruction of productive farmland and ecologically sensitive wetlands;

And they have the uninformed too, here is an excerpt from a letter to the editor:

I guess the only thing that I might worry about is our water supply. Now I'll admit that I am no expert on this topic, but if you think about it, we are talking about removing water from the ground, washing dirt off of rocks, then letting the water flow back exactly where it came from. Sort of like washing your truck in the back yard. I haven't heard that we are going to export it to China. We are not talking about deadly tailings from a uranium mine; we are talking about recycling dirty water. My well is about 60 feet away from my septic bed, and do you know what? My water tastes great -- come on over and have a taste.

Deja vu anyone?


  1. I'm not sure what makes me more livid--the pit proposal itself, or the ignorant response to it from a citizen who SHOULD be enraged (except that I've learned that a lot of these responses are merely from PR "trolls" who are paid to respond positively to ANY proposals by huge corporations). The aggregate companies are out of control and our need to protect our most precious resource, our WATER, is becoming increasingly obvious. Let us hope our fellow citizens in Northumberland County are up for the fight....

  2. Aggregate Industry 'Friends' made pro comments
    during the original Strada application in Melancthon.
    They(comments) appear as the 'voice of reason'.
    There purpose is to marginalize concern issues.

  3. Re: Letter to the editor, sadly, there is no law against stupidity.

    Seasons greetings to all truth miners......Ho! Ho! Ho!
    See you in the new year!


